Are you male or female? Since you-ve been gone / Raimbow. (n\o encntrei nada a relacionar com a m]usica e a pargunta)
Describe yourself! Oscillation Cycles / Blotted Science
what do people feel when they’re around you? Sleeping Giant / Mastodon (sim, j]a me disseram que pareco um monstro ou giganta adamastor, perto de outras pessoas... )
Describe your current relationship. Ace of Spades / Motorhead (joguinho de cartas)
where would you like to be now? Painkiller / Judas Priest (estou em praga!!!!)
How do you feel about love? Attitude / Guns N Roses.
What’s your life like? I Hate You / Slayer
What would you wish for if you had only one wish? Tghe Pilgrim / Iron Maiden (pois, talvez..)
Say something wise. Suffocation Sight/ Trivium
If someone says “is this okay?" you say: Adrenosine Buildup / Blotted Science ( ... )
How would you describe yourself? Afraid To Shout Strangers/ Iron Maiden
What do you look for in a guy/girl?These Colours Dont Run/Iron Maiden
How do you feel today? All Guns Blazing / Judas Priest
What is your life’s purpose? Rock n Roll Train/ AC/DC
What is your motto? Thunderstruck / AC/DC (AWOWA AWOWAAA THUNDER!!!)
What do your friends think of you? Aqua Dementia / Mastodon
What do you think of your parents? Rock n Rol ain-t noise pollution / AC/DC
What do you think about very often? Rainmaker / Iron Maiden
What is 2 + 2? Back In Black / AC/DC (esta foi a melhor!!! Matem]atica n\ao)
What do you think of your best friend?Run To the Hills / Iron Maiden
What do you think of the person you like? Virus / Iron Maiden (certinho)
What is your life story? Before The Dawn / Judas Priest (...I ear You Whisper. And Your sleep dont let the morning take it.Outside the birdss, begin to call, bl]a...)
What do you want to be when you grow up? Sad But True / Metallica (Im your dream, make you real! fuckers)
What do you think of when you see the person you like? Bad Obsession / Guns n Roses ( acertou,)
What will you dance to at your wedding? Oblivion / Mastodon (Headbanging is considered a dance, no? Mosh at the wedding! ((( nao vou casar mas tasse xD))) )
What will they play at your funeral? Enter Sandman / Metallica ( Death includes everyone, say you prayers.)
What is your hobby/interest? Jailbreak / AC/DC
What is your biggest fear? Ole Nessie / Mastodon
What is your biggest secret? The Evil That Men Do / Iron Maiden (comeca por s e acaba em atanismo)
What do you think about your friends? Brighter than a Thousand Suns / Iron Maiden.
Fiz com o mp3 nquanto estamos no hotel a espera do transfer para
o aeroporto, a semana em praga acabou :|
(Jemex/mex que ele gosta!)